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Connecting Kids and Families

As you know CEM exists to start church-planting churches by recruiting and developing church planters, supporters and leaders. Two years ago God lead Ricky Billingsley and CEM to start Connection Christian Community in Glenwood Iowa. It has been amazing seeing God work through this new church to fulfill their vision of connecting young families to Jesus and developing them into fully devoted followers of Christ. God has faithfully used Connection CC to reach young kids in many ways. Each Sunday the Kids Connect team, lead by Tonya Billingsley, provides classes for birth through 5th grade. This team is dedicated to teaching children about the Bible and Jesus in a way that is relevant to them. They have from 35 to 40 kids each Sunday. During the week the Early Out ministry reaches kids after school from grades 6th through 12th. American Heritage Girls had 41 girls at its first meeting. Trail Life starts this month as an outreach for the boys in the community. This summer Connection CC had 60 kids during an awesome week of VBS. God is continuing to bring young families into Connection CC. They outgrew their original meeting place and found a bigger and better location. A lot of people worked many hours to get the new facility ready to hold services. On their first Sunday in their new place they had 176 people. They currently average from 120 to 140 in attendance on Sundays. The Connection has baptized 32 people into Christ since they started.

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October Church Visits

1st Rising Sun COC in Pleasant Hill IA

15th First CC in Onawa IA

22nd Woodland Hills COC in Pleasant Hill IA

29th Clinton COC in Clinton IA

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