Leadership Training & Coaching

As you know CEM exists to start new church-planting churches by recruiting and developing church planters, supporters and leaders. When the churches and their leaders are strong and revitalized, they are able to partner with CEM in a more effective way to help start new churches.
The same leadership training we provide for our church planters and their launch teams is available for existing churches. The application is different, but the results are the same Kingdom growth. I am currently working with the Le Mars COC, Cedar Falls COC and Jackson COC (Montezuma). CEM has provided this training to over 20 of our churches so far. Here is some feedback from a couple in one of our churches who went through it:
"My wife and I enjoyed learning with the other leaders of our church about having a rebirth of sorts in our leadership mind set. Mike Knight transitions the ideas of John C. Maxwell and helped us to understand how to apply his management skills to our work for Christ. Starting with our "core group", we look forward to revitalizing our congregation in a way similar to a new church plant. Christ is moving in Hampton Iowa, and we pray we are active in this transformation."
Alan and Linda Wharton

We also are available to coach existing church Pastors in leadership, just as we do for our church planters. The application is different, but the results are again Kingdom growth. I am currently coaching Luke Cargin (Le Mars COC) and Micah Brehm (Nishna COC in Red Oak) on a regular basis. After a couple of months of working through the leadership material we usually slow down the frequency to once a month to keep up on how implementing the leadership skills are working. Here is some feedback from a couple of Pastors I have gone through this coaching process with:
"I took the position as Pastor at the Hampton Church of Christ with the full knowledge that it was a Church that had been in decline for some time, and I knew that I had my work cut out for me. Upon arriving at the Church and getting settled I saw two things: It was worse than I thought, BUT the potential was equally greater. I started to pray for help in discerning what to do and how to approach things. Then I met Mike Knight and got acquainted with CEM. He offered to come alongside me and to coach me, and to help our Church in the days ahead. It was exactly what I had prayed for, and the relationship that has formed between our Church and CEM has benefited us in ways that cannot be measured. Make no mistake, we have a lot of work ahead, but the ministry of CEM and Mike's personal relationship with our Church going forward, there is no limit to what God can and will do here!"
Gary Davis
Pastor: Hampton Church of Christ
"So much of what were taught in Bible college as pastors revolve around being better managers of Jesus' church, Mike's coaching is helping me get back to who we are really called to be as pastors, leaders who influence. Leadership is best done by influencing one person at a time and Mike's leadership class has given me the steps I need to take to become a better leader and potentially bring about positive and lasting growth for the Kingdom."
Mike Morton
Pastor: North Grand Christian Church Ames
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March Church Visits
2nd - 3rd NPEA Leadership Retreat in Spearfish SD
4th Alta COC in Alta IA
11th Woodland Hills COC in Pleasant Hill IA
25th Jackson COC in Montezuma IA