For over 65 years, Christian Evangelistic Mission has been shaping the spiritual climate of our region. This legacy, combined with a strong sense of God’s calling, has us dreaming about the impact CEM will have in the future.
The best way to describe what we see is
We will actively recruit and equip 40 disciple-makers to serve 20 communities in our region in the next 10 years.

We are excited about what God is doing through CEM and the opportunities that are ahead. New Church work is a journey full of adventure, growth, grace and God’s glory. Prayerfully consider taking that first step by sending an email introducing yourself and attaching your resume to chad@cemchurchplanting.org. You will be contacted with an acknowledgement that your resume has been received, including the next steps in the process. An outline of the process would be as follows:​
Submit Resume to chad@cemchurchplanting.org
Exploration Interview with Director
Interview with CEM Board of Directors
1 Year Residency with a Church
To see a list of our church plants, click here.
Looking to expand your education to prepare for ministry? There's a scholarship for people like you.

alexander christian foundation
of iowa
Alexander Christian Foundation of Iowa (ACF) awards scholarships to people from Christian Churches and Churches of Christ in Iowa who are studying for ministry at a Restoration Movement Bible College or Seminary. For more information, visit acfiowa.org.
Fill out an application, go to the website above and click "Scholarship Application" in the upper right corner. The annual deadline for applications is February 1st.