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We believe the best way to connect people to Jesus is through strengthening current churches and facilitating new church planting. When you give to CEM, you are helping a church impact their surrounding community in the name of Christ. THANK YOU!
One plants... One waters... God makes it grow. 1 Corinthians 3:6-9
Donate Online: Using the form below, give through credit card, debit card, or banking account
Donate by mail by sending a check: Christian Evangelistic Mission, PO Box 1445, Ankeny, IA 50021
*To learn about CEM Legacy Giving and our planned giving options, please click here.

Want to see what happens when CEM-partnered churches thrive?
This is but one example of the results that your financial partnership brings!
Northfield Church of Christ in Fort Dodge, Iowa is a CEM-partnered church plant that continues to make disciples, multiplying followers of Christ who impact their community.

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